Player | Team | Batting Pts | |
1 | Klaas Smit | Willowmore | 1,301.573 |
2 | Anthony Kruger | Balls of Steel | 1,095.065 |
3 | Anthony Kruger | Thunder Dragons | 941.174 |
4 | Lodie Greeff | Thunder Dragons | 910.733 |
5 | Dillen Crouse | Thunder Dragons | 714.498 |
6 | Damian Watkins | M&M's | 679.262 |
7 | Gino Oosthuizen | Morning Glories | 652.243 |
8 | Morne Nel | Balls of Steel | 621.496 |
9 | Jason Van Buuren | M&M's | 571.029 |
10 | Ryno Duvenage | The Real Morning Glories | 544.520 |