19/08/2018 10:00 - South England Round of 16 (Dorset)
Dorset - Pitch TBC -

19/08/2018 12:15 - South England Round of 16 (Dorset)
Dorset - Pitch TBC -

19/08/2018 15:00 - South England Quarter Final (Dorset)
Dorset - Pitch TBC -

26/08/2018 10:00 - South England Round of 16 (Hampshire)
Southampton Outdoor Sports 1 -

26/08/2018 10:00 - South England Round of 16 (Kent)
Kent - Pitch TBC -

26/08/2018 10:00 - South England Round of 16 (Sussex)
Sussex - Pitch TBC -

26/08/2018 12:15 - South England Round of 16 (Hampshire)
Southampton Outdoor Sports 1 -

26/08/2018 12:15 - South England Round of 16 (Kent)
Kent - Pitch TBC -

26/08/2018 12:15 - South England Round of 16 (Sussex)
Sussex - Pitch TBC -

26/08/2018 15:00 - South England Quarter Final (Hampshire)
Southampton Outdoor Sports 1 -

26/08/2018 15:00 - South England Quarter Final (Kent)
Kent - Pitch TBC -

02/09/2018 15:00 - South England Quarter Final (Sussex)
Sussex - Pitch TBC - Murray Lees,Ruhul Choudhury

09/09/2018 10:30 -
Lewes Priory CC (STG - BN73NB) - Paul McNally (Umpire),Ruhul Choudhury

09/09/2018 12:45 -
Lewes Priory CC (STG - BN73NB) - Paul McNally (Umpire),Ruhul Choudhury

09/09/2018 15:30 - South England Grand Final -Winners qualify for National Finals on 21, 22, 23 September
Lewes Priory CC (STG - BN73NB) - Paul McNally (Umpire),Ruhul Choudhury

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