255 / 3
(20.0 Overs )
138 / 7
(20.0 Overs )

We'll Bat First Won by 117 runs
Player of the Match

Queensland Champs 2020
Tradies You Can't Trust1
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Bomb Squad3
Tulla Thunder4
Brisbane Cool Boys (Tamilanda)5
The 2nd XI6
8 Ballerz7
North City Slingers8
Solid Nuts9
Cans and cants10
Boundary Chasers11
The In & Outs12
Team Sicame13
Madagascan Lemurs14
The Bucheurs15
Crafty Tappers16
Australia's Underperforming Cricketers18
Got The Runs (GTR)19
Redbank Rippers20
The Redbacks21
Sunday Sloggers22
Swamp Donkeys 2.023
Afghan Warriors24

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