72 / 12
(12.0 Overs )
83 / 9
(12.0 Overs )

Fire & Rescue Won by -1 wickets
Player of the Match


The Primary Club - Marathon Cricket 2014/2015
PCA - Marathon Cricket1
Cricketers' Club of NSW (Marathon)4
I Zingari (Marathon Cricket)5
Fire & Rescue6
Last Man Stands - Rest of World7
Hornsby District CC8
AFL Swans9
Northern Territory Indigenous10
Cougar Tamers11
Sparkle Supastars12
New South Wales Indigenous13
Rugby Legends14
Reg Bartley CC15
Last Man Stands - Australia16
Premier's XII17
Mulgoa CC19
Wicked Dragons - Tru Blu20
Troopers (Marathon Cricket)21
Australian Apaches22

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