170 / 7
(20.0 Overs )
131 / 7
(19.0 Overs )

Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Won by 39 runs
Player of the Match


Dubai Exiles Pistoleros vs HSBC- HIPPOS
Tournament: Dubai Division 3
Date: 27/02/2016
Time: 15:00
Venue: Repton School
Umpire(s): Shahbaz Mazgaonkar, Muzammil Dhansay,
Batted First: Dubai Exiles Pistoleros
Dubai Exiles Pistoleros scored 170 / 7 after 20.0 overs
HSBC- HIPPOS scored 131 / 7 after 19.0 overs
Match Result: Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Won by 39 runs
Player of the Match: Khurram Ali (Dubai Exiles Pistoleros)
Dubai Exiles Pistoleros Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Sulaymaan Butt3839.3320.94
Khalid Mahmood2642.9437.12
Khurram Ali1855.5427.31
Ejaz Ali1619.2535.25
Osaid Shaiq1219.721.66
Yousef Parekh619.6650.00
AB Khan56.5071.00
Muhammad Haseeb425.6621.00
HSBC- HIPPOS Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Saurabh Midha2646.8322.34
Vihar Buch1255.6021.37
Haroon Rasheed924.1268.33
Ram Kumar418.6612.00
Dinesh Kumar48.3348.66
Tuan Samsudeen465.50135.00
Momin JAFFAR28.50.00
Nisar .111.0030.00

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