105 / 8
(15.0 Overs )
106 / 5
(11.4 Overs )

Delhi Dabbangs Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match


Broke Bat Mountain vs Delhi Dabbangs
Tournament: Gurgaon Friendly
Date: 22/07/2017
Time: 19:00
Venue: Croire
Umpire(s): Amit Hasrana,
Batted First: Broke Bat Mountain
Broke Bat Mountain scored 105 / 8 after 15.0 overs
Delhi Dabbangs scored 106 / 5 after 11.4 overs
Match Result: Delhi Dabbangs Won by 3 wickets
Player of the Match: Yash Budhraja (Delhi Dabbangs )
Broke Bat Mountain Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Krish Chhatwal7720.5336.45
Abhinav Khandelwal727.6522.71
Sankalp Vidyarthi3912.2320.00
Vishesh Gupta2312.7624.11
Nitish Tyagi410.0094.00
Mani Prakash345.5022.50
Deepesh Kalra320.0040.00
Rajeev Sharma12.0013.00
Delhi Dabbangs Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Bhavishya Mehra1515.23111.00
Shehzaan Khan 116.9028.50
Krishna vilas yadav521.20.00
Chanakya Arora420.3320.66
Rohan Mazumdar2.0035.00
Sidhant Vermani29.00.00
Raghav Saran18.0022.00
Yash Budhraja133.005.00

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