95 / 3
(20.0 Overs )
96 / 1
(15.0 Overs )

Rusty FishHooks Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match

The Ones And Twos vs Rusty FishHooks
Tournament: Logan Division 1
Date: 25/07/2021
Time: 14:45
Venue: Homestead Park - Jodie St Shailer Park
Umpire(s): Tee Amosa,
Batted First: The Ones And Twos
The Ones And Twos scored 95 / 3 after 20.0 overs
Rusty FishHooks scored 96 / 1 after 15.0 overs
Match Result: Rusty FishHooks Won by 7 wickets
Player of the Match: Dave "Wally" Rowett (Rusty FishHooks)
The Ones And Twos Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Robert "NED" Keen27838.1328.62
Travis Marshall23535.6731.86
Brandon Cunningham22728.1438.87
Troy " Pumba " Cunningham12618.2343.07
Xander 'PANDA' Cunningham867.2955.63
Zac 'That's Plumb' Graham7623.0127.74
Jaxon 'Staunch Walk' Cunningham649.7081.57
Tristan 'Mr Indoor' Ganzer329.4642.53
Rusty FishHooks Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Ted Tishler18031.1026.50
Matty "That's 4" Shaw14412.1421.17
Jake "Jakey" Rowett7640.4528.69
Daniel "Rowdy" Rowett5164.5154.33
Kane "The Axeman" Masters4529.8420.88
Dave "Wally" Rowett4136.3722.32
Ian " Ezi-E" Riseley2131.9228.06
Mark Kelly639.6631.33

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