138 / 8
(19.0 Overs )
181 / 2
(20.0 Overs )

Elmhurst Echidnas Won by 43 runs
Player of the Match

Reading Falcons vs Elmhurst Echidnas
Tournament: Reading Midweek League
Date: 25/08/2021
Time: 18:15
Venue: Woodford Park
Umpire(s): Russell Cox,
Batted First: Elmhurst Echidnas
Elmhurst Echidnas scored 181 / 2 after 20.000 overs
Reading Falcons scored 138 / 8 after 19.000 overs
Match Result: Elmhurst Echidnas Won by 43 runs
Player of the Match: Harp Singh (Elmhurst Echidnas)
Reading Falcons Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Usman Tariq9121.1028.98
Sohail Aslam6140.6238.25
Abdul Latif5853.9635.60
Wasi Jee4762.2235.02
Farhan Haq4322.6243.21
Usman Ahmed3718.2547.66
Mohsin Mehmood2630.1837.28
Aamir Saleem1417.9012.00
Elmhurst Echidnas Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Stephen Brearley6211.8337.91
Scott Morton6035.4330.80
Davi Sahans4738.1338.00
Jonathan Dewsbury4235.20.00
Stephen Gaines3317.0649.86
Rehaan Samdhani2513.5524.51
Mubarak Tahir2375.36155.00
Harp Singh1618.3040.00

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