129 / 6
(20.0 Overs )
132 / 4
(12.3 Overs )

Elmhurst Echidnas Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match

PwC South East vs Elmhurst Echidnas
Tournament: Reading Midweek League
Date: 09/08/2022
Time: 18:15
Venue: Woodford Park
Umpire(s): Gopi Kolluru,
Batted First: PwC South East
PwC South East scored 129 / 6 after 20.0 overs
Elmhurst Echidnas scored 132 / 4 after 12.3 overs
Match Result: Elmhurst Echidnas Won by 4 wickets
Player of the Match: Sam Bowers (Elmhurst Echidnas)
PwC South East Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Hassan Ahmed4228.4039.96
Shabbir Zafar2119.0551.60
Talha Nadeem1827.0030.88
Rahul Kotha1329.8070.50
Marul Chandak920.5052.33
Mo Ahsan613.50.00
Vish Sawhney52.2522.00
Alex Wilkie45.0043.00
Elmhurst Echidnas Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Stephen Brearley6412.4038.84
Scott Morton6235.9131.44
Rehaan Samdhani2513.5524.51
John Wolff1853.9027.33
Joe Priestley1178.0019.00
Sam Bowers 666.3382.00
Atif Qadar534.0028.00
Finn Campbell254.0062.00

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