266 / 0
(20.0 Overs )
120 / 8
(15.2 Overs )

Stellies 8 Won by 146 runs
Player of the Match
52 (15)


Stellies 8 vs Misfits
Tournament: Boland Friendlies
Date: 02/10/2022
Time: 15:30
Venue: Distell - Adam Tas Road
Umpire(s): Jo Viljoen,
Batted First: Stellies 8
Stellies 8 scored 266 / 0 after 20.0 overs
Misfits scored 120 / 8 after 15.2 overs
Match Result: Stellies 8 Won by 146 runs
Player of the Match: Dale Brody (Stellies 8)
Stellies 8 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Dale Brody2337.5034.84
Nic Brotherton2346.2122.87
James Mullins2266.0927.21
Matthew Stretton2027.1529.83
Ross Mullins1911.3019.36
Luke Danckwerts1574.7122.41
Richard Van Coller94.8776.00
Tristan Haller213.0036.00
Misfits Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
SP Jordaan5115.30164.00
Walter Breedt3712.6646.12
Evert Loubser2822.0039.70
Wehan Le Roux2727.9017.83
Alain Lategan1716.4028.85
Leon Ngcotho319.6639.00
Christiaan Wearne230.0073.00
Marcell Appollis14.0044.00

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