146 / 8
(17.3 Overs )
130 / 6
(20.0 Overs )

Wimpy Relish Won by 16 runs
Player of the Match

Wimpy Relish vs The Bomb Squad
Tournament: Vereeniging Castle Lite Challenge
Date: 04/12/2022
Time: 15:00
Venue: Verref Cricket Field
Wimpy Relish Rumoured Line Up

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brandin Nell5417.3230.57
Jimmy Labuschagne9026.0024.10
Lambertus Groenewald6233.0225.26
Nolan McMahon3611.3521.23
Piet "Wolfman" Smith 6231.0779.50
Riaan Esterhuizen14819.1223.38
Riaan Mielie Botha21240.7233.17
Ryan Coetzer14923.1728.78
The Bomb Squad Rumoured Line Up

Our reporters are yet to get any info on the team line up, check back again soon

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