145 / 6
(14.0 Overs )
144 / 5
(20.0 Overs )

Phoenix Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match
53 (16)


Phoenix vs Swamp Donkeys 2.0
Tournament: Ipswich Sunday
Date: 15/10/2023
Time: 13:15
Venue: Alan Cumming Oval ( Riverlink )
Umpire(s): Jake Carter,
Batted First: Swamp Donkeys 2.0
Swamp Donkeys 2.0 scored 144 / 5 after 20.000 overs
Phoenix scored 145 / 6 after 14.000 overs
Match Result: Phoenix Won by 2 wickets
Player of the Match: Nick O'Connell (Phoenix)
Phoenix Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Nick O'Connell49449.0724.41
Adam Barrow36633.8133.09
Aaron Took21637.0635.34
Chris Manz19119.3932.69
Andrew Wilson6113.7040.33
Johann Kohler3931.7837.95
Maj Laghari3120.3718.32
Atul Sharma2716.18216.00
Kulwant Singh2012.8559.22
Swamp Donkeys 2.0 Starting 8

MatchesBatt. AvgBowl. Avg
Brett Hindes37534.9531.33
Andrew Mckenzie29517.2334.23
Kaiden Smith13010.5537.76
Jason Andrew11531.5130.50
Branden Abraham9336.4136.46
Ken Gascoyne3920.1831.63
Luke Donnelly2542.0056.00
Dean Fowers1321.1045.16

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