My Girlfriends XI9702671.861138
Democracy Manifest vs My Girlfriends XI, 08/09/2024 10:30Points
Singh’s Hitters vs My Girlfriends XI, 15/09/2024 15:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Madagascan Lemurs vs My Girlfriends XI, 22/09/2024 13:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
My Girlfriends XI vs DGAF Internationals, 13/10/2024 08:15Points
My Girlfriends XI vs Just Here for the After Party, 20/10/2024 08:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
Garstone Globetrotters vs My Girlfriends XI, 27/10/2024 10:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
My Girlfriends XI vs Democracy Manifest, 03/11/2024 10:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
My Girlfriends XI vs Garstone Globetrotters , 10/11/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
My Girlfriends XI vs Madagascan Lemurs, 17/11/2024 08:15Points
Madagascan Lemurs9342540.4025612
DGAF Internationals vs Madagascan Lemurs, 08/09/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Madagascan Lemurs vs My Girlfriends XI, 22/09/2024 13:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Democracy Manifest, 29/09/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Garstone Globetrotters , 13/10/2024 15:00Points
Singh’s Hitters vs Madagascan Lemurs, 20/10/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Just Here for the After Party vs Madagascan Lemurs, 27/10/2024 10:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs DGAF Internationals, 03/11/2024 08:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Just Here for the After Party, 10/11/2024 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
My Girlfriends XI vs Madagascan Lemurs, 17/11/2024 08:15Points
Garstone Globetrotters 9441500.1962510
Garstone Globetrotters vs Just Here for the After Party, 08/09/2024 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
DGAF Internationals vs Garstone Globetrotters , 15/09/2024 08:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
Garstone Globetrotters vs Democracy Manifest, 22/09/2024 10:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Garstone Globetrotters , 29/09/2024 12:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Garstone Globetrotters , 13/10/2024 15:00Points
Garstone Globetrotters vs My Girlfriends XI, 27/10/2024 10:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Just Here for the After Party vs Garstone Globetrotters , 03/11/2024 10:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Democracy Manifest vs Garstone Globetrotters , 17/11/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Just Here for the After Party853049-0.514450
Garstone Globetrotters vs Just Here for the After Party, 08/09/2024 15:00Points
Democracy Manifest vs Just Here for the After Party, 15/09/2024 12:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Just Here for the After Party vs DGAF Internationals, 29/09/2024 09:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Just Here for the After Party, 13/10/2024 10:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Just Here for the After Party vs Garstone Globetrotters , 03/11/2024 10:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Just Here for the After Party, 10/11/2024 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters825146-1.175578
Singh’s Hitters vs My Girlfriends XI, 15/09/2024 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs DGAF Internationals, 22/09/2024 11:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Garstone Globetrotters , 29/09/2024 12:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Just Here for the After Party, 13/10/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Madagascan Lemurs, 20/10/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Singh’s Hitters vs Democracy Manifest, 27/10/2024 12:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Democracy Manifest vs Singh’s Hitters, 10/11/2024 08:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
DGAF Internationals vs Singh’s Hitters, 17/11/2024 08:15Points
Democracy Manifest945043-0.513356
Democracy Manifest vs My Girlfriends XI, 08/09/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Democracy Manifest vs Just Here for the After Party, 15/09/2024 12:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Garstone Globetrotters vs Democracy Manifest, 22/09/2024 10:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Democracy Manifest, 29/09/2024 10:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Democracy Manifest vs DGAF Internationals, 20/10/2024 10:30Points
Singh’s Hitters vs Democracy Manifest, 27/10/2024 12:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
My Girlfriends XI vs Democracy Manifest, 03/11/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Democracy Manifest vs Singh’s Hitters, 10/11/2024 08:15Points
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Democracy Manifest vs Garstone Globetrotters , 17/11/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
DGAF Internationals815241-0.564368
DGAF Internationals vs Madagascan Lemurs, 08/09/2024 10:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
DGAF Internationals vs Garstone Globetrotters , 15/09/2024 08:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Singh’s Hitters vs DGAF Internationals, 22/09/2024 11:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Just Here for the After Party vs DGAF Internationals, 29/09/2024 09:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
My Girlfriends XI vs DGAF Internationals, 13/10/2024 08:15Points
Democracy Manifest vs DGAF Internationals, 20/10/2024 10:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs DGAF Internationals, 03/11/2024 08:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
DGAF Internationals vs Singh’s Hitters, 17/11/2024 08:15Points

08/12/2024 12:45 - Final
My Girlfriends XI
164 / 5 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
140 / 8 (20.0)

01/12/2024 09:30 - Semi Final 1
Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

Just Here for the After Party
50 / 0 (20.0)

01/12/2024 00:00 - Semi Final 2
Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
0 / 8 (1.0)

24/11/2024 00:00 - Semi Final 3
Democracy Manifest
50 / 0 (20.0)

DGAF Internationals
0 / 8 (1.0)

17/11/2024 13:00 -
Democracy Manifest
117 / 4 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
172 / 6 (20.0)

17/11/2024 08:15 -
My Girlfriends XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

17/11/2024 08:15 -
DGAF Internationals
50 / 0 (20.0)

Singh’s Hitters
50 / 0 (20.0)

10/11/2024 15:00 -
Madagascan Lemurs
181 / 5 (20.0)

Just Here for the After Party
194 / 5 (20.0)

10/11/2024 13:00 -
My Girlfriends XI
216 / 2 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
150 / 8 (16.3)

10/11/2024 08:15 -
Democracy Manifest
194 / 3 (18.3)

Singh’s Hitters
188 / 6 (20.0)

03/11/2024 10:45 -
Just Here for the After Party
145 / 7 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
192 / 3 (20.0)

03/11/2024 10:30 -
My Girlfriends XI
153 / 4 (20.0)

Democracy Manifest
136 / 7 (20.0)

03/11/2024 08:15 -
Madagascan Lemurs
168 / 3 (19.4)

DGAF Internationals
164 / 5 (20.0)

27/10/2024 12:45 -
Singh’s Hitters
172 / 5 (20.0)

Democracy Manifest
191 / 3 (20.0)

27/10/2024 10:45 -
Garstone Globetrotters
97 / 8 (15.3)

My Girlfriends XI
139 / 4 (20.0)

27/10/2024 10:30 -
Just Here for the After Party
81 / 8 (16.3)

Madagascan Lemurs
138 / 6 (20.0)

20/10/2024 13:00 -
Singh’s Hitters
134 / 8 (18.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
135 / 3 (14.4)

20/10/2024 10:30 -
Democracy Manifest
161 / 3 (19.0)

DGAF Internationals
158 / 1 (20.0)

20/10/2024 08:15 -
My Girlfriends XI
220 / 2 (20.0)

Just Here for the After Party
159 / 6 (20.0)

13/10/2024 15:00 -
Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
50 / 0 (20.0)

13/10/2024 10:30 -
Singh’s Hitters
106 / 7 (20.0)

Just Here for the After Party
128 / 3 (20.0)

13/10/2024 08:15 -
My Girlfriends XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

DGAF Internationals
50 / 0 (20.0)

29/09/2024 12:45 -
Singh’s Hitters
160 / 2 (15.2)

Garstone Globetrotters
159 / 3 (20.0)

29/09/2024 10:30 -
Madagascan Lemurs
130 / 4 (20.0)

Democracy Manifest
139 / 5 (20.0)

29/09/2024 09:00 -
Just Here for the After Party
154 / 3 (20.0)

DGAF Internationals
129 / 8 (19.4)

22/09/2024 13:30 -
Madagascan Lemurs
172 / 6 (20.0)

My Girlfriends XI
174 / 6 (20.0)

22/09/2024 11:15 -
Singh’s Hitters
158 / 7 (19.3)

DGAF Internationals
156 / 3 (20.0)

22/09/2024 10:30 -
Garstone Globetrotters
155 / 2 (15.2)

Democracy Manifest
154 / 5 (20.0)

15/09/2024 15:00 -
Singh’s Hitters
122 / 8 (15.3)

My Girlfriends XI
246 / 1 (20.0)

15/09/2024 12:45 -
Democracy Manifest
133 / 8 (19.3)

Just Here for the After Party
147 / 5 (20.0)

15/09/2024 08:15 -
DGAF Internationals
114 / 6 (20.0)

Garstone Globetrotters
163 / 6 (20.0)

08/09/2024 15:00 -
Garstone Globetrotters
232 / 5 (20.0)

Just Here for the After Party
236 / 7 (19.2)

08/09/2024 10:30 -
Democracy Manifest
150 / 6 (20.0)

My Girlfriends XI
173 / 4 (20.0)

08/09/2024 10:30 -
DGAF Internationals
219 / 4 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
215 / 5 (20.0)

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