Shooter's XI10712820.951758
DGAF Internationals II vs Shooter's XI, 16/05/2021 08:00Points
Ah Me Groin vs Shooter's XI, 23/05/2021 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Shooter's XI, 30/05/2021 08:00Points
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Broadwalk Empire, 06/06/2021 08:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Madagascan Lemurs, 13/06/2021 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Ah Me Groin, 27/06/2021 09:30Points
Shooter's XI vs Jayhawks, 04/07/2021 11:45Points
Broadwalk Empire vs Shooter's XI, 11/07/2021 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Shooter's XI, 18/07/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Ah Me Groin vs Shooter's XI, 29/08/2021 00:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs10721800.845886
Ah Me Groin vs Madagascan Lemurs, 16/05/2021 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Jayhawks, 23/05/2021 08:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Broadwalk Empire, 30/05/2021 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Madagascan Lemurs, 13/06/2021 10:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Ah Me Groin, 20/06/2021 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Madagascan Lemurs, 27/06/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Madagascan Lemurs, 04/07/2021 14:00Points
Madagascan Lemurs vs Shooter's XI, 18/07/2021 12:30Points
Ah Me Groin vs Madagascan Lemurs, 25/07/2021 11:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Jayhawks, 29/08/2021 11:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Jayhawks, 16/05/2021 08:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Jayhawks, 23/05/2021 08:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Shooter's XI, 30/05/2021 08:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Ah Me Groin, 06/06/2021 09:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Broadwalk Empire, 20/06/2021 11:45Points
Jayhawks vs Madagascan Lemurs, 27/06/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Jayhawks, 04/07/2021 11:45Points
Ah Me Groin vs Jayhawks, 11/07/2021 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Jayhawks, 25/07/2021 09:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Jayhawks, 29/08/2021 11:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Broadwalk Empire1027147-0.6945410
DGAF Internationals II vs Broadwalk Empire, 23/05/2021 00:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Madagascan Lemurs vs Broadwalk Empire, 30/05/2021 10:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Ah Me Groin, 13/06/2021 11:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Broadwalk Empire, 20/06/2021 11:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Broadwalk Empire vs Madagascan Lemurs, 04/07/2021 14:00Points
Ah Me Groin vs Broadwalk Empire, 18/07/2021 11:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Jayhawks, 25/07/2021 09:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Ah Me Groin1129044-1.4397712
Ah Me Groin vs Madagascan Lemurs, 16/05/2021 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Ah Me Groin vs Shooter's XI, 23/05/2021 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
DGAF Internationals II vs Ah Me Groin, 30/05/2021 00:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Jayhawks vs Ah Me Groin, 06/06/2021 09:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Broadwalk Empire vs Ah Me Groin, 13/06/2021 11:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Madagascan Lemurs vs Ah Me Groin, 20/06/2021 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Shooter's XI vs Ah Me Groin, 27/06/2021 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Ah Me Groin vs Jayhawks, 11/07/2021 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Ah Me Groin vs Broadwalk Empire, 18/07/2021 11:15Points
Ah Me Groin vs Madagascan Lemurs, 25/07/2021 11:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
DGAF Internationals II30214-1.667000
DGAF Internationals II vs Shooter's XI, 16/05/2021 08:00Points

05/09/2021 14:00 - Final
Broadwalk Empire
141 / 7 (19.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
140 / 2 (20.0)

05/09/2021 09:00 - Semi Final 2
Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

0 / 0 (20.0)

05/09/2021 00:00 - Semi Final 1
Shooter's XI
0 / 0 (20.0)

Broadwalk Empire
50 / 0 (20.0)

29/08/2021 11:15 - Round 12
Madagascan Lemurs
205 / 2 (18.0)

204 / 4 (20.0)

29/08/2021 00:00 - Round 12
Ah Me Groin
0 / 0 (20.0)

Shooter's XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

25/07/2021 11:15 - Round 11
Ah Me Groin
147 / 8 (19.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
179 / 2 (20.0)

25/07/2021 09:00 - Round 11
Broadwalk Empire
156 / 3 (20.0)

158 / 0 (17.4)

18/07/2021 12:30 - Round 10
Madagascan Lemurs
128 / 4 (17.1)

Shooter's XI
127 / 8 (18.0)

18/07/2021 11:15 - Round 10
Ah Me Groin
126 / 6 (20.0)

Broadwalk Empire
121 / 5 (20.0)

11/07/2021 10:15 - Round 9
Ah Me Groin
97 / 8 (14.4)

177 / 5 (20.0)

11/07/2021 09:30 - Round 9
Broadwalk Empire
84 / 8 (16.2)

Shooter's XI
126 / 8 (20.0)

04/07/2021 14:00 - Round 8
Broadwalk Empire
50 / 0 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
50 / 0 (20.0)

04/07/2021 11:45 - Round 8
Shooter's XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

50 / 0 (20.0)

27/06/2021 12:30 - Round 7
158 / 4 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
159 / 4 (18.2)

27/06/2021 09:30 - Round 7
Shooter's XI
129 / 4 (19.0)

Ah Me Groin
128 / 5 (20.0)

20/06/2021 11:45 - Round 6
171 / 6 (17.1)

Broadwalk Empire
166 / 6 (20.0)

20/06/2021 09:30 - Round 6
Madagascan Lemurs
208 / 2 (20.0)

Ah Me Groin
175 / 3 (20.0)

13/06/2021 11:45 - Round 5
Broadwalk Empire
144 / 6 (20.0)

Ah Me Groin
137 / 4 (20.0)

13/06/2021 10:15 - Round 5
Shooter's XI
150 / 6 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
125 / 6 (20.0)

06/06/2021 09:00 - Round 4
46 / 2 (7.0)

Ah Me Groin
45 / 8 (12.3)

06/06/2021 08:00 - Round 4
Shooter's XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

Broadwalk Empire
0 / 0 (20.0)

30/05/2021 10:15 - Round 3
Madagascan Lemurs
180 / 4 (20.0)

Broadwalk Empire
156 / 3 (20.0)

30/05/2021 08:00 - Round 3
128 / 8 (18.1)

Shooter's XI
137 / 4 (20.0)

30/05/2021 00:00 - Round 3
DGAF Internationals II
0 / 0 (20.0)

Ah Me Groin
50 / 0 (20.0)

23/05/2021 14:45 - Round 2
Ah Me Groin
153 / 7 (20.0)

Shooter's XI
174 / 7 (20.0)

23/05/2021 08:00 - Round 2
Madagascan Lemurs
173 / 7 (20.0)

184 / 4 (20.0)

23/05/2021 00:00 - Round 2
DGAF Internationals II
0 / 0 (20.0)

Broadwalk Empire
50 / 0 (20.0)

16/05/2021 10:15 - Round 1
Ah Me Groin
151 / 4 (20.0)

Madagascan Lemurs
152 / 1 (13.0)

16/05/2021 08:00 - Round 1
Broadwalk Empire
125 / 6 (20.0)

163 / 6 (20.0)

16/05/2021 08:00 - Round 1
DGAF Internationals II
50 / 0 (20.0)

Shooter's XI
50 / 0 (20.0)

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