Pie Chuckers5500391.996054
Pie Chuckers vs Rolled Gold, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs The Rebellion, 08/08/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 22/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Day Dreamers, 29/08/2021 10:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Prodigies vs Topdeck PTT, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Prodigies vs Trihards, 08/08/2021 15:00Points
Prodigies vs Team Outlaws, 15/08/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Prodigies vs Sultans, 22/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
GLADI8ORS vs Prodigies, 29/08/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Sultans vs Trihards, 25/07/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Sultans vs Team Outlaws, 08/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
GLADI8ORS vs Sultans, 15/08/2021 10:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy vs Sultans, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats5311250.029030
Ariana Galaxy vs Whisky Brats, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs Rolled Gold, 08/08/2021 10:00Points
Whisky Brats vs The Rebellion, 15/08/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 22/08/2021 10:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
The Rebellion5221250.316036
Day Dreamers vs The Rebellion, 25/07/2021 12:30Points
Pie Chuckers vs The Rebellion, 08/08/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs The Rebellion, 15/08/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Topdeck PTT vs The Rebellion, 22/08/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Rebellion vs Trihards, 29/08/2021 15:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold5230250.259058
Pie Chuckers vs Rolled Gold, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs Rolled Gold, 08/08/2021 10:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Topdeck PTT, 15/08/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Trihards, 22/08/2021 08:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Team Outlaws, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children532022-0.263004
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 25/07/2021 10:00Points
GLADI8ORS vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 08/08/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Day Dreamers vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
Whisky Brats vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Topdeck PTT522121-0.204014
Prodigies vs Topdeck PTT, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy vs Topdeck PTT, 08/08/2021 12:30Points
Rolled Gold vs Topdeck PTT, 15/08/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Topdeck PTT vs The Rebellion, 22/08/2021 15:00Points
Topdeck PTT vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 29/08/2021 15:00Points
GLADI8ORS vs Team Outlaws, 25/07/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
GLADI8ORS vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 08/08/2021 10:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
GLADI8ORS vs Sultans, 15/08/2021 10:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
GLADI8ORS vs Day Dreamers, 22/08/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Ariana Galaxy513117-0.143016
Ariana Galaxy vs Whisky Brats, 25/07/2021 15:00Points
Ariana Galaxy vs Topdeck PTT, 08/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Ariana Galaxy vs Trihards, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
Ariana Galaxy vs Sultans, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half514017-0.507038
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 25/07/2021 10:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Day Dreamers vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 08/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Whisky Brats vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 22/08/2021 10:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 29/08/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Team Outlaws523015-0.882012
GLADI8ORS vs Team Outlaws, 25/07/2021 10:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy vs Team Outlaws, 22/08/2021 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
Rolled Gold vs Team Outlaws, 29/08/2021 12:30Points
Day Dreamers514014-0.729026
Day Dreamers vs The Rebellion, 25/07/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Day Dreamers vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 08/08/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Day Dreamers vs Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Pie Chuckers vs Day Dreamers, 29/08/2021 10:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Sultans vs Trihards, 25/07/2021 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Prodigies vs Trihards, 08/08/2021 15:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy vs Trihards, 15/08/2021 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Rebellion vs Trihards, 29/08/2021 15:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1

19/09/2021 12:30 - Round 2
Pie Chuckers
118 / 8 (14.0)

187 / 4 (20.0)

19/09/2021 10:00 - Round 2
129 / 2 (14.3)

Rolled Gold
127 / 6 (20.0)

19/09/2021 10:00 - Round 2
Pie Chuckers
136 / 7 (20.0)

The Rebellion
118 / 7 (20.0)

12/09/2021 15:00 - Round 2
Day Dreamers
103 / 7 (20.0)

The Rebellion
106 / 2 (15.2)

12/09/2021 12:30 - Round 2
157 / 6 (20.0)

Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
126 / 5 (20.0)

12/09/2021 12:30 - Round 2
Pie Chuckers
142 / 0 (16.3)

Topdeck PTT
138 / 7 (20.0)

12/09/2021 12:30 - Round 2
140 / 4 (20.0)

Rolled Gold
145 / 4 (20.0)

12/09/2021 10:00 - Round 1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
131 / 2 (18.0)

Ariana Galaxy
130 / 6 (20.0)

12/09/2021 10:00 - Round 1
Topdeck PTT
157 / 4 (20.0)

132 / 4 (20.0)

05/09/2021 15:00 - Round 1
The Rebellion
133 / 3 (14.2)

Team Outlaws
132 / 6 (20.0)

05/09/2021 12:30 - Round 1
50 / 0 (20.0)

0 / 8 (1.0)

05/09/2021 10:00 - Round 1
Rolled Gold
150 / 5 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
118 / 5 (20.0)

05/09/2021 10:00 - Round 1
Whisky Brats
124 / 6 (20.0)

Day Dreamers
147 / 5 (20.0)

29/08/2021 15:00 - Round 5
Topdeck PTT
133 / 6 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
111 / 6 (20.0)

29/08/2021 15:00 - Round 5
The Rebellion
119 / 3 (13.4)

116 / 5 (20.0)

29/08/2021 12:30 - Round 5
Rolled Gold
131 / 6 (20.0)

Team Outlaws
154 / 3 (20.0)

29/08/2021 12:30 - Round 5
Whisky Brats
141 / 3 (18.0)

Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
137 / 5 (20.0)

29/08/2021 12:30 - Round 5
Ariana Galaxy
135 / 7 (20.0)

147 / 2 (20.0)

29/08/2021 10:00 - Round 5
Pie Chuckers
138 / 2 (16.0)

Day Dreamers
136 / 4 (20.0)

29/08/2021 10:00 - Round 5
84 / 8 (18.2)

87 / 1 (13.3)

22/08/2021 15:00 - Round 4
Topdeck PTT
130 / 3 (20.0)

The Rebellion
130 / 7 (20.0)

22/08/2021 12:30 - Round 4
Pie Chuckers
127 / 2 (12.1)

Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
123 / 7 (20.0)

22/08/2021 12:30 - Round 4
97 / 2 (15.0)

93 / 8 (18.0)

22/08/2021 12:30 - Round 4
Ariana Galaxy
88 / 8 (17.3)

Team Outlaws
125 / 4 (20.0)

22/08/2021 10:00 - Round 4
Whisky Brats
90 / 7 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
91 / 4 (13.2)

22/08/2021 10:00 - Round 4
108 / 4 (14.4)

Day Dreamers
107 / 5 (20.0)

22/08/2021 08:00 - Round 4
Rolled Gold
50 / 0 (20.0)

0 / 8 (1.0)

15/08/2021 15:00 - Round 3
Rolled Gold
142 / 3 (20.0)

Topdeck PTT
121 / 6 (20.0)

15/08/2021 15:00 - Round 3
Whisky Brats
128 / 4 (17.1)

The Rebellion
127 / 7 (20.0)

15/08/2021 12:30 - Round 3
Pie Chuckers
114 / 3 (13.1)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
112 / 7 (20.0)

15/08/2021 12:30 - Round 3
Day Dreamers
105 / 7 (20.0)

Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
106 / 5 (19.4)

15/08/2021 12:30 - Round 3
Ariana Galaxy
129 / 2 (14.0)

128 / 3 (20.0)

15/08/2021 10:00 - Round 3
140 / 2 (14.3)

Team Outlaws
139 / 1 (20.0)

15/08/2021 10:00 - Round 3
153 / 4 (20.0)

154 / 1 (19.0)

08/08/2021 15:00 - Round 2
156 / 2 (20.0)

149 / 5 (20.0)

08/08/2021 15:00 - Round 2
Pie Chuckers
149 / 2 (20.0)

The Rebellion
126 / 7 (20.0)

08/08/2021 12:30 - Round 2
Day Dreamers
119 / 7 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
100 / 5 (20.0)

08/08/2021 12:30 - Round 2
176 / 4 (20.0)

Team Outlaws
116 / 5 (20.0)

08/08/2021 12:30 - Round 2
Ariana Galaxy
136 / 7 (20.0)

Topdeck PTT
138 / 5 (19.2)

08/08/2021 10:00 - Round 2
109 / 7 (20.0)

Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
155 / 3 (20.0)

08/08/2021 10:00 - Round 2
Whisky Brats
133 / 4 (19.0)

Rolled Gold
129 / 5 (20.0)

25/07/2021 15:00 - Round 1
Pie Chuckers
110 / 3 (17.4)

Rolled Gold
109 / 7 (20.0)

25/07/2021 15:00 - Round 1
133 / 3 (16.2)

Topdeck PTT
130 / 6 (20.0)

25/07/2021 15:00 - Round 1
Ariana Galaxy
135 / 5 (20.0)

Whisky Brats
135 / 7 (20.0)

25/07/2021 12:30 - Round 1
164 / 3 (18.0)

162 / 3 (20.0)

25/07/2021 12:30 - Round 1
Day Dreamers
100 / 7 (18.2)

The Rebellion
106 / 4 (16.3)

25/07/2021 10:00 - Round 1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
173 / 3 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
169 / 1 (20.0)

25/07/2021 10:00 - Round 1
205 / 1 (20.0)

Team Outlaws
160 / 5 (20.0)

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