Blazing 8's8701651.47186
Blazing 8's vs ZIDI CLUB, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs Spartans & Xerxes, 16/07/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Blazing 8's vs Lankan Lions, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs PLS, 30/07/2023 06:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Blazing 8's, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Blazing 8's, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards 2.0 vs Blazing 8's, 20/08/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs Perth Wolves, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT8800633.6290510
Topdeck PTT vs Sultans, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Ariana Galaxy, 16/07/2023 06:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Trihards 2.0, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Rolled Gold, 30/07/2023 14:30Points
Trihards vs Topdeck PTT, 06/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Topdeck PTT, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
ZIDI CLUB vs Topdeck PTT, 20/08/2023 12:00Points
Topdeck PTT vs Pie Chuckers, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers853048-0.0990810
Pie Chuckers vs PLS, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Trihards, 16/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves vs Pie Chuckers, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Pie Chuckers, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Lankan Lions, 06/08/2023 09:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Pie Chuckers vs Blazing 8's, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Pie Chuckers, 20/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Pie Chuckers, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves853046-0.083178
Perth Wolves vs Rolled Gold, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Perth Wolves vs Trihards 2.0, 16/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves vs Pie Chuckers, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Lankan Lions vs Perth Wolves, 30/07/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Perth Wolves, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves vs Bourne in the Village XI, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Perth Wolves, 20/08/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs Perth Wolves, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Sultans, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Sultans, 16/07/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
4/20 vs Sultans, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy vs Sultans, 30/07/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Sultans vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 06/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Sultans vs Spartans & Xerxes, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Sultans vs Cavaliers Social Club, 20/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Sultans, 27/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold8431450.5861610
Perth Wolves vs Rolled Gold, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
PLS vs Rolled Gold, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Rolled Gold, 23/07/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Rolled Gold, 30/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Rolled Gold vs Blazing 8's, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Cavaliers Social Club, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Lankan Lions, 20/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
4/20 vs Rolled Gold, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
4/20 vs Ariana Galaxy, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs 4/20, 16/07/2023 12:00Points
4/20 vs Sultans, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
4/20 vs Trihards 2.0, 30/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
ZIDI CLUB vs 4/20, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards vs 4/20, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
Spartans & Xerxes vs 4/20, 20/08/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
4/20 vs Rolled Gold, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club8530420.227066
Cavaliers Social Club vs Spartans & Xerxes, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs ZIDI CLUB, 23/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs Trihards, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
Trihards 2.0 vs Cavaliers Social Club, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Cavaliers Social Club, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs PLS, 27/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
ZIDI CLUB853041-0.085046
Blazing 8's vs ZIDI CLUB, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Lankan Lions vs ZIDI CLUB, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs ZIDI CLUB, 23/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs ZIDI CLUB, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
ZIDI CLUB vs 4/20, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
ZIDI CLUB vs Ariana Galaxy, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
ZIDI CLUB vs Topdeck PTT, 20/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Spartans & Xerxes vs ZIDI CLUB, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
The Ridiculous 7 and a half8440370.0850310
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Cavaliers Social Club vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs Spartans & Xerxes, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs ZIDI CLUB, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Sultans vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 06/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards 2.0 vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
Ariana Galaxy vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 20/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs Trihards, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Pie Chuckers vs PLS, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Rolled Gold, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards vs PLS, 23/07/2023 06:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs PLS, 30/07/2023 06:00Points
PLS vs Bourne in the Village XI, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Topdeck PTT, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Perth Wolves, 20/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs PLS, 27/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Lankan Lions vs Trihards, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
Pie Chuckers vs Trihards, 16/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards vs PLS, 23/07/2023 06:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Cavaliers Social Club vs Trihards, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Trihards vs Topdeck PTT, 06/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards vs 4/20, 13/08/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Trihards vs Bourne in the Village XI, 20/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs Trihards, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards 2.0835032-0.436068
Bourne in the Village XI vs Trihards 2.0, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves vs Trihards 2.0, 16/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Trihards 2.0, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
4/20 vs Trihards 2.0, 30/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards 2.0 vs Cavaliers Social Club, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards 2.0 vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Ariana Galaxy vs Trihards 2.0, 27/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Spartans & Xerxes835030-0.571048
Cavaliers Social Club vs Spartans & Xerxes, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Ridiculous 7 and a half vs Spartans & Xerxes, 23/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Spartans & Xerxes, 30/07/2023 14:30Points
Spartans & Xerxes vs Ariana Galaxy, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Sultans vs Spartans & Xerxes, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Spartans & Xerxes vs ZIDI CLUB, 27/08/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Lankan Lions826022-0.698046
Lankan Lions vs Trihards, 09/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Lankan Lions vs ZIDI CLUB, 16/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Blazing 8's vs Lankan Lions, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Lankan Lions, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Rolled Gold vs Lankan Lions, 20/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Lankan Lions, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Ariana Galaxy826020-1.034036
4/20 vs Ariana Galaxy, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Topdeck PTT vs Ariana Galaxy, 16/07/2023 06:00Points
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Ariana Galaxy, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Spartans & Xerxes vs Ariana Galaxy, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
ZIDI CLUB vs Ariana Galaxy, 13/08/2023 12:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children817017-1.099038
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs The Ridiculous 7 and a half, 09/07/2023 09:30Points
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs 4/20, 16/07/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Ariana Galaxy, 23/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Spartans & Xerxes, 30/07/2023 14:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Perth Wolves, 06/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Lankan Lions, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children vs Pie Chuckers, 20/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI808012-2.584084
Bourne in the Village XI vs Trihards 2.0, 09/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Sultans, 16/07/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Rolled Gold, 23/07/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Pie Chuckers, 30/07/2023 12:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
PLS vs Bourne in the Village XI, 06/08/2023 14:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Perth Wolves vs Bourne in the Village XI, 13/08/2023 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Trihards vs Bourne in the Village XI, 20/08/2023 12:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Bourne in the Village XI vs Lankan Lions, 27/08/2023 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1

17/09/2023 14:30 -
150 / 6 (20.0)

Trihards 2.0
176 / 3 (20.0)

17/09/2023 14:30 -
Blazing 8's
135 / 7 (20.0)

Topdeck PTT
140 / 8 (19.1)

17/09/2023 12:00 -
The Ridiculous 7 and a half
123 / 5 (20.0)

Trihards 2.0
136 / 7 (20.0)

17/09/2023 12:00 -
Topdeck PTT
171 / 4 (20.0)

Perth Wolves
129 / 5 (20.0)

17/09/2023 09:30 -
152 / 3 (20.0)

155 / 4 (20.0)

17/09/2023 09:30 -
Blazing 8's
164 / 3 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
135 / 3 (20.0)

10/09/2023 14:30 -
Cavaliers Social Club
144 / 6 (20.0)

Perth Wolves
149 / 4 (20.0)

10/09/2023 12:00 -
Trihards 2.0
165 / 1 (19.0)

162 / 2 (20.0)

10/09/2023 12:00 -
131 / 5 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
137 / 5 (20.0)

10/09/2023 09:30 -
Spartans & Xerxes
102 / 8 (18.3)

103 / 5 (15.2)

03/09/2023 14:30 -
113 / 8 (16.2)

Cavaliers Social Club
147 / 4 (20.0)

03/09/2023 12:00 -
Blazing 8's
164 / 5 (20.0)

Perth Wolves
95 / 9 (16.2)

03/09/2023 12:00 -
129 / 7 (20.0)

133 / 5 (20.0)

03/09/2023 09:30 -
Spartans & Xerxes
172 / 3 (20.0)

Lankan Lions
146 / 6 (20.0)

03/09/2023 09:30 -
Rolled Gold
129 / 3 (20.0)

130 / 5 (18.3)

03/09/2023 06:00 -
Trihards 2.0
50 / 0 (20.0)

Ariana Galaxy
0 / 8 (1.0)

03/09/2023 06:00 -
Topdeck PTT
50 / 0 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
0 / 8 (1.0)

03/09/2023 06:00 -
The Ridiculous 7 and a half
50 / 0 (20.0)

0 / 8 (1.0)

27/08/2023 14:30 -
Blazing 8's
145 / 7 (20.0)

Perth Wolves
124 / 3 (20.0)

27/08/2023 14:30 -
146 / 8 (20.0)

Rolled Gold
146 / 6 (20.0)

27/08/2023 14:30 -
Spartans & Xerxes
138 / 5 (20.0)

142 / 5 (16.3)

27/08/2023 12:00 -
Cavaliers Social Club
178 / 2 (20.0)

167 / 8 (19.2)

27/08/2023 12:00 -
Ariana Galaxy
0 / 8 (1.0)

Trihards 2.0
50 / 0 (20.0)

27/08/2023 12:00 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
119 / 4 (20.0)

194 / 2 (20.0)

27/08/2023 09:30 -
Bourne in the Village XI
90 / 8 (19.1)

Lankan Lions
93 / 0 (8.3)

27/08/2023 09:30 -
Topdeck PTT
274 / 6 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
94 / 7 (20.0)

27/08/2023 09:30 -
The Ridiculous 7 and a half
116 / 3 (20.0)

122 / 4 (16.3)

20/08/2023 14:30 -
Rolled Gold
130 / 4 (20.0)

Lankan Lions
95 / 3 (20.0)

20/08/2023 14:30 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
110 / 4 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
140 / 4 (20.0)

20/08/2023 14:30 -
125 / 3 (13.2)

Cavaliers Social Club
124 / 4 (20.0)

20/08/2023 12:00 -
142 / 7 (20.0)

Bourne in the Village XI
121 / 1 (20.0)

20/08/2023 12:00 -
Ariana Galaxy
107 / 8 (18.2)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
110 / 3 (15.3)

20/08/2023 12:00 -
157 / 7 (20.0)

Topdeck PTT
159 / 5 (18.0)

20/08/2023 09:30 -
Trihards 2.0
104 / 7 (20.0)

Blazing 8's
105 / 2 (14.2)

20/08/2023 09:30 -
98 / 8 (19.3)

Perth Wolves
99 / 4 (15.2)

20/08/2023 09:30 -
Spartans & Xerxes
77 / 8 (16.2)

80 / 0 (10.3)

13/08/2023 14:30 -
Pie Chuckers
126 / 7 (20.0)

Blazing 8's
151 / 1 (20.0)

13/08/2023 14:30 -
130 / 3 (20.0)

131 / 4 (16.2)

13/08/2023 14:30 -
95 / 8 (16.0)

Topdeck PTT
238 / 6 (20.0)

13/08/2023 12:00 -
Rolled Gold
129 / 5 (20.0)

Cavaliers Social Club
118 / 4 (20.0)

13/08/2023 12:00 -
Trihards 2.0
99 / 8 (19.3)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
101 / 4 (17.4)

13/08/2023 12:00 -
57 / 8 (11.2)

Ariana Galaxy
61 / 0 (6.3)

13/08/2023 09:30 -
Perth Wolves
105 / 2 (17.4)

Bourne in the Village XI
103 / 6 (19.4)

13/08/2023 09:30 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
129 / 1 (20.0)

Lankan Lions
133 / 5 (19.3)

13/08/2023 09:30 -
130 / 7 (20.0)

Spartans & Xerxes
149 / 2 (20.0)

06/08/2023 14:30 -
168 / 4 (20.0)

Bourne in the Village XI
125 / 1 (20.0)

06/08/2023 14:30 -
Spartans & Xerxes
143 / 3 (20.0)

Ariana Galaxy
73 / 8 (17.3)

06/08/2023 14:30 -
150 / 4 (17.4)

146 / 3 (20.0)

06/08/2023 12:00 -
Rolled Gold
110 / 8 (19.4)

Blazing 8's
166 / 6 (20.0)

06/08/2023 12:00 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
136 / 4 (20.0)

Perth Wolves
137 / 2 (20.0)

06/08/2023 12:00 -
Trihards 2.0
108 / 7 (20.0)

Cavaliers Social Club
173 / 2 (20.0)

06/08/2023 09:45 -
Pie Chuckers
190 / 4 (20.0)

Lankan Lions
120 / 7 (20.0)

06/08/2023 09:30 -
137 / 8 (19.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
138 / 2 (18.0)

06/08/2023 09:30 -
128 / 6 (20.0)

Topdeck PTT
156 / 5 (20.0)

30/07/2023 14:30 -
Topdeck PTT
144 / 3 (17.3)

Rolled Gold
142 / 1 (20.0)

30/07/2023 14:30 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
137 / 2 (20.0)

Spartans & Xerxes
139 / 3 (18.4)

30/07/2023 12:00 -
Bourne in the Village XI
85 / 8 (13.1)

Pie Chuckers
150 / 3 (20.0)

30/07/2023 12:00 -
Cavaliers Social Club
135 / 7 (19.3)

134 / 3 (20.0)

30/07/2023 12:00 -
The Ridiculous 7 and a half
119 / 3 (20.0)

133 / 4 (20.0)

30/07/2023 09:30 -
Lankan Lions
103 / 8 (18.0)

Perth Wolves
104 / 4 (15.4)

30/07/2023 09:30 -
109 / 4 (20.0)

Trihards 2.0
127 / 5 (20.0)

30/07/2023 09:30 -
Ariana Galaxy
101 / 7 (20.0)

134 / 5 (20.0)

30/07/2023 06:00 -
Blazing 8's
50 / 0 (20.0)

50 / 0 (20.0)

23/07/2023 14:30 -
Bourne in the Village XI
100 / 7 (20.0)

Rolled Gold
168 / 3 (20.0)

23/07/2023 14:30 -
Cavaliers Social Club
135 / 2 (20.0)

146 / 2 (20.0)

23/07/2023 12:00 -
Perth Wolves
141 / 6 (20.0)

Pie Chuckers
157 / 5 (20.0)

23/07/2023 12:00 -
Topdeck PTT
185 / 3 (20.0)

Trihards 2.0
128 / 5 (20.0)

23/07/2023 12:00 -
The Ridiculous 7 and a half
151 / 1 (20.0)

Spartans & Xerxes
137 / 8 (19.2)

23/07/2023 09:30 -
Blazing 8's
117 / 3 (20.0)

Lankan Lions
101 / 8 (18.4)

23/07/2023 09:30 -
126 / 6 (19.4)

125 / 7 (20.0)

23/07/2023 09:30 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
127 / 5 (20.0)

Ariana Galaxy
128 / 3 (13.0)

23/07/2023 06:00 -
50 / 0 (20.0)

50 / 0 (20.0)

16/07/2023 14:30 -
148 / 2 (18.4)

Rolled Gold
147 / 3 (20.0)

16/07/2023 14:30 -
Lankan Lions
118 / 5 (20.0)

119 / 1 (14.2)

16/07/2023 14:30 -
Cavaliers Social Club
131 / 5 (20.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
120 / 4 (20.0)

16/07/2023 12:00 -
Pie Chuckers
117 / 1 (16.1)

113 / 7 (20.0)

16/07/2023 12:00 -
Blazing 8's
158 / 3 (20.0)

Spartans & Xerxes
90 / 5 (20.0)

16/07/2023 12:00 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
124 / 7 (20.0)

132 / 5 (20.0)

16/07/2023 09:30 -
Perth Wolves
127 / 4 (19.0)

Trihards 2.0
126 / 6 (20.0)

16/07/2023 09:30 -
Bourne in the Village XI
121 / 7 (20.0)

168 / 6 (20.0)

16/07/2023 06:00 -
Topdeck PTT
50 / 0 (20.0)

Ariana Galaxy
0 / 8 (1.0)

09/07/2023 14:30 -
Perth Wolves
65 / 8 (12.2)

Rolled Gold
66 / 1 (11.1)

09/07/2023 14:30 -
Bourne in the Village XI
103 / 6 (20.0)

Trihards 2.0
105 / 1 (13.0)

09/07/2023 14:30 -
Cavaliers Social Club
123 / 2 (18.1)

Spartans & Xerxes
122 / 6 (20.0)

09/07/2023 12:00 -
Blazing 8's
149 / 6 (18.4)

147 / 3 (20.0)

09/07/2023 12:00 -
Lankan Lions
136 / 8 (19.2)

137 / 3 (20.0)

09/07/2023 12:00 -
Topdeck PTT
161 / 4 (20.0)

81 / 8 (15.1)

09/07/2023 09:30 -
Damien Fleming's Pastel Love Children
131 / 2 (19.0)

The Ridiculous 7 and a half
128 / 4 (20.0)

09/07/2023 09:30 -
Pie Chuckers
102 / 5 (20.0)

103 / 5 (17.0)

09/07/2023 09:30 -
142 / 6 (20.0)

Ariana Galaxy
115 / 8 (20.0)

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