Spinners vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 28/04/2024 14:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Spinners vs Taringa Gremlins, 12/05/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Spinners vs Underachievers, 19/05/2024 10:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Spinners, 26/05/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs Spinners, 02/06/2024 14:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Spinners, 09/06/2024 14:45Points
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Spinners, 16/06/2024 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Spinners, 23/06/2024 11:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Spinners, 30/06/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Spinners, 07/07/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
Spinners vs Curry & Chips, 14/07/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Spinners vs Tipsy, 21/07/2024 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Prime Minister’s VIII12840862.25881020
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Tipsy, 28/04/2024 13:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Masterbatters (North), 12/05/2024 13:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 19/05/2024 15:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 26/05/2024 15:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 02/06/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
Underachievers vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 09/06/2024 14:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Spinners, 16/06/2024 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 23/06/2024 11:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 30/06/2024 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Curry & Chips, 07/07/2024 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 14/07/2024 09:30Points
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Taringa Gremlins, 21/07/2024 11:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club12840720.8633714
Spinners vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 28/04/2024 14:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Tipsy, 12/05/2024 00:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Masterbatters (North), 19/05/2024 13:00Points
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 26/05/2024 15:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 02/06/2024 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
Taringa Gremlins vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 09/06/2024 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Underachievers vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 16/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Spinners, 23/06/2024 11:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Tipsy vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 30/06/2024 08:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
Masterbatters (North) vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 07/07/2024 08:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 14/07/2024 09:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Curry & Chips, 21/07/2024 11:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Tipsy, 28/04/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Tipsy, 12/05/2024 00:00Points
Tipsy vs Taringa Gremlins, 19/05/2024 15:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs Underachievers, 26/05/2024 00:00Points
Tipsy vs Spinners, 02/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Tipsy, 09/06/2024 12:30Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Tipsy, 16/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 23/06/2024 11:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 30/06/2024 08:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Tipsy, 07/07/2024 14:45Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Tipsy, 14/07/2024 14:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Spinners vs Tipsy, 21/07/2024 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North)11560680.39861016
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Masterbatters (North), 12/05/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Masterbatters (North), 19/05/2024 13:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
Taringa Gremlins vs Masterbatters (North), 26/05/2024 10:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Underachievers, 02/06/2024 14:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Spinners, 09/06/2024 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Tipsy, 16/06/2024 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Curry & Chips, 23/06/2024 14:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 30/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 07/07/2024 08:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Taringa Gremlins, 14/07/2024 12:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Masterbatters (North), 21/07/2024 14:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips1147050-1.383794
Curry & Chips vs Underachievers, 12/05/2024 09:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 19/05/2024 15:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Spinners, 26/05/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Curry & Chips vs Tipsy, 09/06/2024 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Curry & Chips vs Taringa Gremlins, 16/06/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Curry & Chips, 30/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Curry & Chips, 07/07/2024 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Spinners vs Curry & Chips, 14/07/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club vs Curry & Chips, 21/07/2024 11:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Curry & Chips vs Underachievers, 12/05/2024 09:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Spinners vs Underachievers, 19/05/2024 10:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Tipsy vs Underachievers, 26/05/2024 00:00Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Masterbatters (North) vs Underachievers, 02/06/2024 14:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 09/06/2024 14:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 16/06/2024 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Underachievers, 23/06/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Curry & Chips, 30/06/2024 14:45Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Spinners, 07/07/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Tipsy, 14/07/2024 14:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Underachievers vs Masterbatters (North), 21/07/2024 14:00Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins1239037-1.575696
Super Sloggers vs Taringa Gremlins, 28/04/2024 09:30Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Spinners vs Taringa Gremlins, 12/05/2024 13:00Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Tipsy vs Taringa Gremlins, 19/05/2024 15:15Points
Lost by less than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Masterbatters (North), 26/05/2024 10:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Prime Minister’s VIII, 02/06/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club, 09/06/2024 12:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Curry & Chips vs Taringa Gremlins, 16/06/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Underachievers, 23/06/2024 10:15Points
Won by more than 20%2
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Spinners, 30/06/2024 10:15Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Taringa Gremlins vs Tipsy, 07/07/2024 14:45Points
Masterbatters (North) vs Taringa Gremlins, 14/07/2024 12:30Points
Prime Minister’s VIII vs Taringa Gremlins, 21/07/2024 11:45Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1
1 point for wearing the same longs or shorts1
Super Sloggers 10101-3.95010
Super Sloggers vs Taringa Gremlins, 28/04/2024 09:30Points
1 point for wearing the official coloured LMS Shirts1

04/08/2024 14:00 - Plate Final
Masterbatters (North)
185 / 4 (20.0)

Curry & Chips
170 / 7 (20.0)

04/08/2024 11:45 - Grand Final
158 / 8 (19.3)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
183 / 6 (20.0)

28/07/2024 14:45 - Semi Final 1
236 / 5 (20.0)

107 / 6 (13.2)

28/07/2024 14:00 - Semi Final 3
Masterbatters (North)
50 / 0 (20.0)

Taringa Gremlins
0 / 8 (1.0)

28/07/2024 12:30 - Semi Final 4
Curry & Chips
208 / 5 (20.0)

202 / 3 (20.0)

28/07/2024 09:30 - Semi Final 2
Prime Minister’s VIII
183 / 3 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
189 / 2 (20.0)

21/07/2024 14:00 -
186 / 3 (20.0)

Masterbatters (North)
230 / 3 (20.0)

21/07/2024 11:45 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
149 / 4 (20.0)

Taringa Gremlins
80 / 7 (14.2)

21/07/2024 11:45 -
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
115 / 1 (14.3)

Curry & Chips
114 / 8 (19.0)

21/07/2024 09:30 -
127 / 8 (17.4)

131 / 6 (18.1)

14/07/2024 14:00 -
108 / 6 (20.0)

144 / 5 (18.1)

14/07/2024 12:30 -
Masterbatters (North)
50 / 0 (20.0)

Taringa Gremlins
0 / 8 (1.0)

14/07/2024 10:15 -
142 / 2 (11.2)

Curry & Chips
137 / 4 (20.0)

14/07/2024 09:30 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
165 / 5 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
146 / 7 (20.0)

07/07/2024 14:45 -
Taringa Gremlins
0 / 8 (1.0)

50 / 0 (20.0)

07/07/2024 12:30 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
101 / 8 (15.3)

Curry & Chips
102 / 3 (17.4)

07/07/2024 10:15 -
122 / 4 (20.0)

124 / 2 (11.2)

07/07/2024 08:00 -
Masterbatters (North)
197 / 6 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
227 / 3 (20.0)

30/06/2024 14:45 -
126 / 5 (20.0)

Curry & Chips
129 / 0 (19.0)

30/06/2024 14:45 -
Masterbatters (North)
180 / 7 (20.0)

Prime Minister’s VIII
171 / 3 (20.0)

30/06/2024 10:15 -
Taringa Gremlins
98 / 7 (19.2)

209 / 1 (20.0)

30/06/2024 08:00 -
30 / 5 (5.3)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
148 / 6 (20.0)

23/06/2024 14:00 -
Masterbatters (North)
110 / 4 (14.3)

Curry & Chips
103 / 8 (18.2)

23/06/2024 11:45 -
126 / 1 (12.3)

Prime Minister’s VIII
125 / 6 (20.0)

23/06/2024 11:45 -
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
85 / 6 (11.3)

189 / 4 (20.0)

23/06/2024 10:15 -
Taringa Gremlins
190 / 2 (20.0)

100 / 8 (14.1)

16/06/2024 14:45 -
138 / 7 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
139 / 3 (16.0)

16/06/2024 14:45 -
Masterbatters (North)
121 / 8 (17.0)

122 / 5 (18.4)

16/06/2024 12:30 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
150 / 4 (20.0)

59 / 8 (15.2)

16/06/2024 10:15 -
Curry & Chips
87 / 4 (13.1)

Taringa Gremlins
83 / 7 (20.0)

09/06/2024 14:45 -
Masterbatters (North)
141 / 6 (20.0)

144 / 5 (18.1)

09/06/2024 14:45 -
88 / 7 (18.1)

Prime Minister’s VIII
224 / 4 (20.0)

09/06/2024 12:30 -
Curry & Chips
166 / 4 (20.0)

159 / 6 (20.0)

09/06/2024 12:30 -
Taringa Gremlins
121 / 4 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
122 / 3 (13.3)

02/06/2024 14:45 -
127 / 5 (19.1)

196 / 2 (20.0)

02/06/2024 14:00 -
Masterbatters (North)
165 / 5 (20.0)

87 / 4 (20.0)

02/06/2024 10:15 -
Taringa Gremlins
62 / 3 (20.0)

Prime Minister’s VIII
206 / 2 (20.0)

02/06/2024 09:30 -
Curry & Chips
120 / 5 (20.0)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
172 / 5 (20.0)

26/05/2024 15:15 -
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
174 / 6 (20.0)

Prime Minister’s VIII
178 / 2 (15.1)

26/05/2024 13:00 -
Curry & Chips
140 / 6 (20.0)

219 / 2 (20.0)

26/05/2024 10:45 -
Taringa Gremlins
134 / 4 (20.0)

Masterbatters (North)
109 / 7 (20.0)

26/05/2024 00:00 -
0 / 8 (1.0)

50 / 0 (20.0)

19/05/2024 15:15 -
146 / 5 (19.4)

Taringa Gremlins
143 / 7 (20.0)

19/05/2024 15:15 -
Curry & Chips
157 / 3 (20.0)

Prime Minister’s VIII
220 / 6 (20.0)

19/05/2024 13:00 -
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
160 / 5 (20.0)

Masterbatters (North)
151 / 5 (20.0)

19/05/2024 10:45 -
97 / 1 (10.3)

96 / 7 (20.0)

12/05/2024 13:00 -
160 / 4 (20.0)

Taringa Gremlins
107 / 8 (20.0)

12/05/2024 13:00 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
89 / 2 (12.4)

Masterbatters (North)
87 / 8 (17.2)

12/05/2024 09:00 -
Curry & Chips
118 / 8 (17.1)

142 / 4 (20.0)

12/05/2024 00:00 -
The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
50 / 0 (20.0)

0 / 8 (1.0)

28/04/2024 14:00 -
119 / 7 (18.3)

The Duke of Edinburgh Cricket Club
115 / 7 (20.0)

28/04/2024 13:00 -
Prime Minister’s VIII
160 / 7 (20.0)

161 / 4 (17.2)

28/04/2024 09:30 -
Super Sloggers
82 / 4 (20.0)

Taringa Gremlins
161 / 2 (20.0)

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